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Camping Pirna

The Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland attracts hiking and climbing enthusiasts to its famous, characteristic landscape for adventure and discovery tours. Historic old towns promise amazement in museums, culinary diversity and colorful promenade walks.
Explore Pirna’s ancient streets with its magnificent town houses, small shops, cafés and restaurants or follow the Elbe for a day trip to Dresden. Old masters, Baroque buildings, trendy neighborhoods and cultural events promise a city flair and cultural diversity for every taste.


Experience Culture

Just a couple of miles from the campsite is Pirna’s old town, a place steeped in history and equally remarkable for its architecture. The old town squares look the same as they did centuries ago. Take a stroll through the winding streets of the medieval town centre and take part in various festivals, events and activities.

Eine Stadtansicht von Pirna vom Schlosshang aus mit großen Bäumen zeigt die Marienkirche sowie das historische Häuserensemble mit Rathaus und Canalettohaus am Marktplatz.
Die Frauenkirche auf dem belebten Neumarkt in Dresden umgeben von barocken Häusern und Cafés.


Baroque meets trendy neighborhoods

Are you in the mood for art and culture? Just over 12 miles northwest of Camping Pirna lies the capital of Saxony, Dresden.
Experience a metropolis that offers Baroque sensuality and modern lifestyle with such fascinating buildings as the Frauenkirche church, the Zwinger palatial complex and the Semperoper opera house, built by Gottfried Semper, which is one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world.
In the evening, why not go on a discovery tour in the historic Neustadt, or “New Town”, with its countless restaurants and bars. 30 stages, 40 museums, 50 galleries, as well as a dozen cinemas, clubs and discotheques provide a diverse cultural program.


Camping near Saxon Switzerland

Enjoy the breathtaking panorama of the Elbe valley from the famous Bastei rock formation or the Koenigstein fortress. When looking down the wild, romantic Amselgrund valley, visitors can spot the Amselsee reservoir and the Rathen Open Air Stage. Here, on Europe’s most beautiful natural stage, theatre company Landesbühnen Sachsen perform from May to September.

Die Sonne scheint auf die berühmte Basteibrücke in der Sächsische Schweiz, umgeben von Felsen und Wald, im Hintergrund sind das nebelige Elbtal und Tafelberge wie der Lilienstein zu sehen.
Innenstadtansicht von Prag mit historischen Häusern und Kirchen, oben thront die Burg. Im Vordergrund fließt die Moldau, Touristen überqueren die Karlsbrücke.


A Thousand Years of History

Take a stroll across the famous Charles Bridge or experience a piece of culture on Europe’s leading opera stage at Prague’s State Opera House. A must-see for all fans of castles is the Prague Castle complex, with its palaces, churches, gardens and fortifications that are all over a thousand years old.


Experience culture close to nature

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