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Castles, Palaces, Elbe Sandstone Mountains

Saxon Switzerland is part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, which begin right outside the gates of Pirna. Camping Pirna is the ideal place for hiking and climbing tours or excursions to castles and palaces. Ideal for families, for sports enthusiasts and those interested in culture. We would like to briefly present a small selection to you:

Die Sonne scheint auf die berühmte Basteibrücke in der Sächsische Schweiz, umgeben von Felsen und Wald, im Hintergrund sind das nebelige Elbtal und Tafelberge wie der Lilienstein zu sehen.


The famous rock formation offers a unique panorama of rocks such as the Lilienstein or Königstein. It is connected by the well-known Bastei Bridge, which leads to the largest rock castle in the Neurathen region. The Bastei area offers many spectacular vantage points, especially for photo enthusiasts.


Natural theaters such as the Rathen rock stage or the Maxen natural stage combine nature and culture in a special way. Varied events such as concerts and performances are a highlight for tourists and locals alike, especially during the summer time.

Die Felsenbühne Rathen zeigt vor Publikum ein Theaterstück mit der traumhaften Felsenkulisse im Hintergrund.
Eine Luftaufnahme der Festung Königstein mit den dicken Festungsmauern, im Hintergrund fließt die Elbe durch das malerische Bergland der Sächsischen Schweiz.


There are many magnificent palaces and castles to discover in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. Königstein Fortress is one of the special ones. It is one of the largest mountain fortresses in Europe. It offered protection to nobility and treasures, saw lavish festivals, served as a monastery, prison, hospital and much more. There is a lot to discover on the extensive grounds, as well as gastronomy and one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the Elbe valley.

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